For LUSSO readers, Luxe speaks in a familiar voice. There’s no tedious travel guide drone here.

Friendly and funny, their city guides are the wealthy man’s Lonely Planet. Rather than budget hostels and cheap eats, these chaps show you the crème de la crème of your chosen city. With the world moving so fast these days, things change and Luxe know that, updating their books every year as well as providing monthly online updates too.

Sealing the deal somewhat, Luxe have the some of the most delicious covers we’ve ever seen, each featuring a graphic print based on the city you’re about to grace with your presence. How fabulously fitting. We think that the guides would make a great gift for a very special travel buddy, with bespoke sets available in a variety of boxes. Why not invest in the Luxe World Travel Grand Tour Box for a spot of inspiration when planning your next adventure?

LUXE European Grand Tour Box (Luxe City Guides).